Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life is a roller coaster - highs, lows, thrilling corners

So here I am again starting a new wave of blog posts, yes I am the most inconsistent blogger. What can I say life gets in the way and yes it has been a crazy roller coaster for the past few months. Good news though - I have managed to hold on!

As I have looked back to my posts in the fall I am reminded of my goals for 2013, perhaps that is one of the reasons why I blog, to help create a path towards my goals. Looking back my goals are still the same - working with soccer, my 3 races this year. However, my approach to them has had to have been modified.

The first bump of the year came with the ending of my relationship and finding myself once again single. It was quite the sharp u-turn which caused me to slam on the breaks for a moment until  I could get my wits about me. Once I realized that instead of slamming on the breaks I should rather ride out the turn and enjoy it for what it was, I knew this path I was on would still be exciting.

I am one of the first to admit that I take a great deal onto my plate, its tough when I like to do so many things. Sometimes when you like everything that you are doing it is tough to see that perhaps you are burning the candle at both ends when it comes to all of the things that you are juggling in life. I am not just talking about activities or work but everything like trying to keep my place too clean!
So to better handle these surprising turns I have worked on lightening my load so that they are less stressful and way more fun!

My approaches I have taken so far to enjoy this new ride are
  • Waking up by doing candle light yoga, yes sometimes it ends up being at 4:30am but has proven to be oh so worth it - one day I will be gumby and not the Ms Tin Man
  • Spending time with my girlfriends - possibly one of the most important things, my gosh the ladies in my life are amazing. I have done everything from trail runs, soak up sun in the Bahamas to enjoying a good ol cup of coffee.
  • Which brings me to - no more caffeine in my diet for the moment. Part of this is due to my mind being very active on a quiet day, feed it caffeine and I come up with a lot of new ideas. Good in one aspect but not if you are trying to lighten the work load!
  • Keisha - what can I say, it hard to beat spooning a fluffy dog
  • Travel - ah yes more travel, not necessarily planned as vacation but hey if work wants to send me places I will take it! Between now and my birthday in June I will be heading to France, England, Virgina, Seattle, Nelson and Toronto........
  • Last and certainly not least - remembering the things I love - skiing, mtn biking, running for the sake of running. Yes that means that I am not following a strict training program for my races. If my body wants to run I run, if it doesnt I don't. Does this increase my chances of not finishing my ultra in July? Absolutely. But its time to let me body lead the way for a while and have my mind take a back seat. Its worth it, the races will always be there. I am still planning to run them but whatever distance I complete I will consider a success.
Like I felt earlier, bring it on 2013, its going to be a great year :D

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