Friday, December 14, 2012


I have been inspired to write about gratitude today. A goal I set for my self this summer is to focus on being grateful for everything that I have. Its not that I feel that I have ever lacked in this area, I have always made a point to sit back and appreciate my life on a very frequent basis. I have been very fortunate this far in my life, I have been given some amazing opportunities and have been apart of some great moments.

I write this as I am about to start another day in training camp with the Canadian Woman's National Soccer team as part of their therapy staff for the first camp since they won the Bronze at the London Olympics. First, how many people get an opportunity like this to work with such amazing athletes? To travel with them? Share in their victories (I was on the field with the team in 2008 when they qualified for olympics the very first time) and defeats or learn about their personal goals and accomplishments? To top things off, during this camp I got to go to BC Place in Vancouver for the unveiling of the 2015 Woman's World Cup Logo, the World Cup will be held in Canada. Its getting to be a part of things like this that I am always asking myself how in the world did I luck out.

Big things are always the easy ones to be grateful for, that is why I am trying to focus more on the small stuff, being healthy, having a great fiancé and family, enjoying the forest during a trail run or the smell of snow, man do I love the smell of snow! Perhaps this is why some people think of me to be really optimistic but I even take a moment to enjoy stressful times, I find appreciating it for what it is and having a chance to experience those emotions (even When they feel far from great) helps me to deal with the situation better. I find if I focus on how bad I feel at the time it just feeds into how bad I feel, why would I do that to myself.

In a nut shell have you stopped to smell the flowers today?

Monday, December 10, 2012

The wonderful month of December...and training

December is the worst….yet in a way, the best time of year to start training for something.

December is great in that there is usually way too much food consumed and not enough exercises being done due to hectic schedules and training helps to balance this out. You make sure to get your exercise in and generally if you are training for something you need more food! Yes I know Christmas cookies and the sort are not the best so you do have to be careful but training during December should essential stop that December weight gain. 

It is bad in the fact that my schedule is CRAZY! (as is everyone’s). It seems there are Christmas parties left, right and center and then to top it off I am working a soccer training camp from the 12-20 of the month on top of my regular job and volunteer work. Some ways that I have been able to sneak it in are through short high intensity interval sessions right before work in the morning, run with my dog rather then taking her for a walk (she loves this if its in the bush but HATES it if it is on the road!) and space my injury prevention strengthening throughout the day. It is not too uncommon to find me on a sudden burst of air squats, Y&T’s or hip stability work if you were to open my office door. Most office people take a break and quickly chat with a co-worker but I am the only one in my office so that eliminates those breaks!

For the next week an a half I am going to have to be extra creative as I will be working at a soccer camp as well. I can get my prehab work done while watching practice but my conditioning training will have to be a bit more strategic. I may have to look at late evening workouts and to make up for the lost sleep have quick cat naps in the middle of the day (which are easier then mid-day workouts as I don’t have to shower after!)

All in all I am very excited to be focused on training again. I over trained in 2011 and just lost the drive to really commit to training but its back and I am stoked, 2013 here I come!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2013 = Big Year to Succeed!

Most people who know me would agree that I am not one to take things easy, generally its go big or go home. I am on a mission to find my limits and this year’s goals just may enough to send me packing.

Goal 1 – Wentachee Marathon – get a PB, my PB so far is 3:28:32
Goal 2 – Sinister 7 (148 km) – Under 24 hour finish
Goal 3 – Trans Rockies Run – have fun with a great bunch of friends (ok so this one is not as much of a stretch…)

Sure there my be some obstacles in there as well
1. Looks like it may be another high travel year, fingers crossed that if I am staying in an unsafe area that the hotel has a treadmill. I can only skip for so long!
2. Wedding Planning – we are now planning our wedding for the fall – good thing we both want something simple
3. Work – I have big goals with what I want to accomplish with the VPD which makes my work day long and I am often exhausted at the end

1. Crossfit Endurance – less milage more weights = less chance of over training
2. Schedule Ahead – a must do if I am going to get my workouts in during my busy week days
3. Fine Tune My Nutrition – Clean eating 85-90% of the time and focus on my nutrient timing – pre, during, post and my regular meals
4. Supplements – Vega for my pre and post, variety of mid workout foods both natural and supplements, multi vitamins, vit D and fish oils to help my body recover.