Thursday, April 18, 2013

What was I thinking?

So here I am in Norfolk, Virginia. The NSCA Tactical Fitness conference (check my blog in a day or two for a review, it was great as always) has just ended and I am spending with rest of my time here doing some sightseeing (battleships here I come!...not that I know anything about them haha) and getting work done as there are many projects due when I get back to work. However, things in the next few days are not as light as they appear, I have seemed to find a flaw in my planning....for the second April in a row!  I have been working on cutting down how many things I have going on at once in my life and i have been doing pretty good at that howeverbeing so happy about this accomplishement I still seem to forget how to plan what i am still doing. I am so used to cramming things together to fit things in that my current schedule is either jammed packed or I have a few days open.

What am I talking about you ask?

Last year I went to this same conference, but it was in Vegas. After a week in Vegas I flew home got in my car and drove to Whidby Island for a marathon......the most mentally and physically challenging one I have ever run, including ultramarathons, for various reasons............and after this conference?

Well finishing this conference is not as simple as catching a flight and going home, no that is what smart people would do...... I fly out tomorrow, arrive in Vancovuer mid afternoon; my car will be waiting for me at the airport with my marathon gear and I will be driving down to Wentachee to run a marathon early Saturday morning. A few major errors on my part
  • making the same mistake as last year, hopefully this time I will have learned my lesson
  • thinking Wenatchee is only 2 hours away......nope make it 5 hours!
  • choosing to ignore that even with my compression gear my legs feel gross for at least a day after the flight. Walking after a flight can help combat this but no, I am choosing to get in a car and drive (shaking my head at myself at the moment....followed by a face palm....)
  • Deciding to leave Wenatchee right after the marathon on body is going to hate me but I am promising it fun and relaxation on Sunday!
However there is a bit of a silver lining
  • I get to go to Trader Joes on my way to the marathon
  • I love road trips.....yes I do sing at the top of my lungs the majority of the time, think Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire
  • I plan on just having fun on this race and hopefully will help my running buddy Nicole get a PB
  • Having Sunday off to recover (most marathons are sunday)
Perhaps subconciously I am always looking at ways to entertain myself, I don't know but I am going to learn this time! No more marathons mid-late april!

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