I have been hitting training at all angles - nutrition, mobility, sleep, running, stairs and fun! Perhaps a little too much weekend nighttime fun in May but it was worth it! I had a birthday and a somewhat class reunion at a conference.
Epic training runs so far? Definitely! Ones to remember:
- Running from downtown Toronto to Port Credit - 45km on the water front - bad armpit chaffing and ran out of water due to the public water fountains not being turned on! It was good mental practice.
- Running 5.5 hours up/down/around Burnaby Mountain - jumping out of the bush at the 3.5 hr mark to run into the grocery store to grab food and jump back in the bush resulted in many funny looks.
- Running 55km in 8:49 just a few days ago where I discovered just how much feeling tired is a mental thing. I was able to change around the way I was feeling in a matter of minutes by changing what i was thinking about - AWESOME! This will come in handy.
- Hitting a new level of endurance athlete - I went out for a "quick run", it was a 20km road run and the thought that I may need food or water during it didn't cross my mind until half way through.
I am starting to put together my gear bags for the transition zones and my support crew is slowly growing, so happy that I will be having my parents, sister and best friend there!!
Let the count down begin.............